2023 All Talents Guide for Divinity Original sin 2: Definitive Edition (2024)


Pretty good overvew, except you are underselling glass cannon waaaaay too hard. It is by far the best talent in the game (from a build optimisation perspective). If you want to make your party as strong as possible, every char should have glass cannon. The downside is easily mittigated by the fact that if your party is built correctly, the enemies wil not get turns.
There are a couple of exceptions to that because sometimes emeies cheat and steal your turns (persuasion check fight on blood island, act 4 bridge fight and sometimes kraken if the animation glitches). In those cases, you can spec out of it for one fight. The doctor doesn't cheat, but gets 1000 initiative when he transforms so he always goes first, however he has no cc skills iirc, so prebuffing solves that problem.
If you are only interested in building your chars as efficiently as possible, every char should take glass cannon, executioner, elemental mastery, savage sortilege and hothead (even melee chars want to use spells in the late game; archers would be the only exception, but there are no good talents for them anyway).
edit: Also, lone wolf is effectively the same talent as glass cannon. The bonus stats/abilities are only relevant in the early game as the cap remains the same, while hp and armour don't matter. The only significant bonus is that you can now pre-buff haste for an extra AP. There is no universe in which this makes up for 2 extra party members, 4 man party is still the storngest/easiest, assuming you pick glass cannon on everyone.

  • 2023 All Talents Guide for Divinity Original sin 2: Definitive Edition (1)

    @Nazatur ปีที่แล้ว

    Sup, my goal wasn't to give people a min-maxed "optimized" review. Otherwise I could've just end the video on the 5th minute mark by saying "those x,y and z talents are strongest ones, everything else is trash" -> roll the credits. If the video had the title of "how to create the strongest party in the game" or "the best builds" then I'd agree. I don't want to take the agency from the players as much as possible, don't want to narrow their vision on a certain playstyle. (Although probably I was biased towards certain talents and it slipped in the video). The idea was "hey this is the talent, this is what it does and what it might do. Go figure our the application on your own". Because again, there are so many variables and compositions that we can disagree on this topic forever. Some people would say, why bother with 4 glass cannons if you can barrelmancy everything without breaking a sweat. Some would say, well why bother with that, if you can be doing solo invis + delay to cruise through the game. Some would say, why bother with max AP on 4 characters if you have 2 LW with double stats and skill points which will allow you to end fights much faster due to the damage numbers differences. Some people would say that by using and Elf with a prebuffed Haste you're already at max ap and thus Glass Cannon is redundant. But again that wasn't the point of the video. Thanks for the comment tho.

  • 2023 All Talents Guide for Divinity Original sin 2: Definitive Edition (2)


    @@Nazatur I wasn't criticizing the fact that you gave a detailed description of every talent, that was great. My only problem was that you severely underrated GC, which is by far the strongest talent in the game, only savage sortilege comes close to it.
    LW is only slightly better than GC for the char taking it, for the reasons I already explained - the downside of GC is not nearly as bad as you make it sound because of how easiy it is to cc every enemy before it gets a turn and the upsides of LW are either irrelevant (armour and hp don't matter if you don't let enemies move) or only matter before lvl 10-ish (stats are still capped, you just get to the cap faster with LW). On the other hand, having 2 extra chars is a huge advantage. After you get skin graft, it amounts to 16+ extra AP that can be used to cast 4 extra teleports/swaps, 4 extra nukes like pyroclastic/grasp and cover a larger area in massive fights. Moreover, if you have 2 chars, both of them have to be able to do damage and nothing else. With 4, you can still have 2-3 chars that do damage, plus 1-2 chars with high memory and initiative who can jump around and teleport/web enemies to set up aoe nukes.
    My comment on the "optimal" talent build was more of a tl;dr for the sake of anyone looking for ppl who come to a video just to find quick info on what to take for their first tactician run or if they keep losing fights because of bad builds. It wasn't a criticism towards you, it's cool to experiment and you need detailed information on all talents to do so.

  • 2023 All Talents Guide for Divinity Original sin 2: Definitive Edition (3)

    @Nazatur ปีที่แล้ว

    Aight, fair enough

  • 2023 All Talents Guide for Divinity Original sin 2: Definitive Edition (4)


    Good comment and reply. We're all busters in the eyes of the speed runners

2023 All Talents Guide for Divinity Original sin 2: Definitive Edition (2024)


How many talent points do you get in Divinity: Original Sin 2? ›

You gain a talent at level 1, 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33. In the Classic version, Undead main characters have an opportunity to get an additional 2 talent points via The Covenant.

What is the best talent Divinity 2? ›

Players who want to use more Skills should invest in Hydrosophist (for recovery), Summoning (for summons), and Warfare (for overall damage). Meanwhile, more physical players should invest in Retribution (to reflect damage) and their weapon-type Ability.

Is all skilled up worth it in DOS2? ›

All skilled up is really nice for the extra civil point, so that you can steal more with your thief, or tweak the civil skills of recruited party members who have civils you don't necessarily want them to have. B&B is just never worth it.

What changed in the definitive edition of Divinity: Original Sin 2? ›

Definitive Edition has better balancing, new quests, more dialouge and dialouge options, new story beats, has better performance and optimization, and other tweaks for a better experince.

What is max level Divinity 2? ›

Technically, the hard level cap is Lv50, however, from what I hear, the actual soft-cap you'll encounter in a play-through is around Lv20 or so before you run out of sources of significant EXP.

How many times can you respec in Divinity 2? ›

Players gain unlimited access to respec-ing via a magic mirror aboard the Lady o' War from Act 2 onward. However, while it's nice to have access to the magic mirror at any time after Act 1, slogging through Fort Joy with mismatched skills and abilities can lead to some challenging fights later in the zone.

What not to do in Divinity 2? ›

  1. 10 Killing The Red Prince.
  2. 11 Not Saving Gwydian Rince's Family. ...
  3. 12 Accepting Ryker's Request. ...
  4. 13 Investing In Perception Or Wits. ...
  5. 14 Choosing A Character With No Backstory. ...
  6. 15 Have A Meaningless Romance. ...
  7. 16 Side With The Devourer. ...
  8. 17 Help The Doctor Ascend To Divinity. ...
Jul 23, 2023

Which class is most fun Divinity 2? ›

1 Conjurer

The Conjurer is far and away the best magic-focused class and perhaps the best class that Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers. The Conjurer is effectively two characters at once, both controllable by the player: the Conjurer themselves, and their summoned allies.

What is the best weapon in Divinity 2? ›

1 Falone Scythe

The most powerful weapon in Divinity Original Sin 2 is the Falone Scythe that can be stolen from the statue in the Arx Cathedral. It has impressive base damage that's further boosted by +3 Strength and +1 Two-Handed. Each attack also has a 25% chance of inflicting Decaying for two turns.

Do choices matter in Divinity: Original Sin 2? ›

Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition

If by massively changing the end of the game, then not exactly, the overall narrative follow the same general path though it changes as well. But all your choices effect the outcomes of quests you do.

Is the devourer set worth it Divinity 2? ›

This armor set is one of the best melee sets in all of Original Sin 2, granting its wielder an immense boost to their base stats, immunity to a few status effects, and one of the most powerful passive effects in the game: Devourer's Slumber.

Should you keep books Divinity 2? ›

Once I read a book, I sell it. If you don't want to sell them, just send them all to your ship. Some are obviously important for quests, so keep those, but just transfer the rest and free up that inventory.

Which mode is best for Divinity: Original Sin 2? ›

Story Mode is the easiest Divinity 2 mode to play, as it tips the game in the player's favor to focus on the story without the stress of difficult combat. Those who like to sit down with a good book, enjoy the politics of gaming, or prefer to destress at the end of the day with a good game will want to play this mode.

What is the best version of Divinity: Original Sin 2? ›

Divinity: Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition is the most complete version of the best-selling, Metacritic Must-Play RPG, and includes all current and to-be released DLC no matter where you buy it, or how you choose to play.

Why is Divinity: Original Sin 2 so expensive? ›

Because development is expensive. Also, the game is incredible. J.O.D.

How many points per level in Divinity: Original Sin 2? ›

Character Levels

The benefits upon leveling up are: 2 attribute points every level. 1 combat skill point every level (but 2 points at level 1). 1 civil skill point at levels 1, 2, 6, 10, 14.. and so on, once every 4 levels.

What is the max points in Divinity: Original Sin 2? ›

All characters begin with a basic 10 points in each attribute. Characters can be customized with 3 additional attribute points at the start and acquire 2 more points per level. A total of 30 points can be added to an attribute for a maximum of 40 points. This maximum can further be augmented through equipment.

How many combat points can you get in Divinity 2? ›

The combat ability point cap is 10 points using points earned from level-up. Points from items can push you past this. The civil ability point cap is 5 points using points earned from level-up. Bonuses from items can push you past this cap.

How many source points can you get in Divinity 2? ›

To increase the number of Source points you can hold (up to a maximum of three) players must seek out powerful Sourcerers for their aid as part of the Powerful Awakening quest.

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