Fri. AM TNT News Articles from Iraq 8-9-24 (2025)


Sudden escalation”… America threatens Iran with a “devastating strike” and reveals a message to it

America threatened Iran today, Thursday, August 8, 2024, with a “strike and devastating consequences” if it launched a major attack against Israel, in revenge for the assassination of former political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran at the end of last month.

The Wall Street Journal quoted an American official as saying, “We warned Iran that it could suffer a devastating blow if it launched a major attack on Israel.”

“We sent a message to Iran that there is a risk of escalation if it launches a major retaliatory attack,” the US official added.

He said, “Our message to Tehran did not include a threat to carry out an American strike against targets in Iran,” stressing that “they warned Iran of consequences for its economy and the stability of its government if it launched a major attack.”

For its part, the US State Department announced that “escalating the conflict could harm the Iranian economy,” adding, “We continue to make clear to Iran that it should not escalate the conflict.”

The US State Department stated that the US administration “does not communicate directly with Hezbollah, but we have partners in the region who are talking to the party.”

The world, the countries of the region, and Israel are awaiting the Iranian military response to the assassination of the former head of the political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, at his residence in Tehran on July 31, a day after the inauguration of the new Iranian president.




In the latest Iranian threats, Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri told France Presse today, “Our response to Haniyeh’s assassination will be costly for Israel, but it will be in the interest of the region’s security,” stressing that “Israel is not in a position to wage war against Iran.” link

Parliamentary Committee: Consultative meetings to amend the Investment Law

A member of the Parliamentary Investment Committee confirmed, on Friday, that consultative meetings will be held to amend the investment law in the country.

Committee member Asaad Al-Bazouni told {Al-Furat News} agency that “the parliamentary investment committee is working on amending the investment law, especially with regard to industrial investment, and discussing its paragraphs through large advisory sessions, especially since Iraq is now heading towards the private investment sector, so there is a need for the law to be suitable for the Iraqi environment and for investors from other countries.”

Al-Bazouni pointed out that “work is underway on the law because it is of great importance in the field of investment, especially since Iraq needs investment because Iraq relies on oil and other simple resources,” indicating that “by activating investment and the private sector, there will be other doors for Iraq’s income. The budget now has a large deficit and the decline in oil prices is declining and putting us in a big problem, especially since the budget was calculated on the basis of $60 per barrel.”

He added, “Reliance on oil resources causes us major problems, and we must rely on more than one resource. Iraq is capable in its industry, agriculture, investment, and lands, and we need to provide a safe and suitable environment for economists, foreign investors, and major international companies. “link

Parliamentary Finance: Political and economic reasons prevent Iraq from opening foreign currency channels

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, today, Friday (August 9, 2024), that there are political and economic reasons preventing Iraq from opening channels for foreign currencies other than the dollar.

Committee member Jamal Kojer said in an interview with Baghdad Today, “Iraq’s failure to open channels for foreign currencies other than the dollar is certainly due to political and economic reasons and internal and external factors.”

Kocher explained that “opening a window for foreign currencies is done through the presence of tourism, various foreign investments, and foreign industry inside Iraq, and until now the security environment and the political environment are not conducive to providing such an atmosphere, and for this reason there is no window for foreign currencies, and therefore the matter is limited only to dealing in dollars.”

It is noteworthy that the Central Bank of Iraq decided on July 4, 2024, to start selling dollars to travelers, exclusively through corporate and banking outlets at international airports.

Meanwhile, the Central Bank decided to grant category “AB” exchange companies the ability to record internal and external remittance activities via the FITR platform. link

Revealing the ministries that constitute 80% of the value of salaries in Iraq

Today, Thursday, August 8, 2024, the head of the “Iraq the Future” Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations, Manar Al-Obaidi, revealed the ministries that constitute 80% of the value of salaries in Iraq.

Al-Obaidi said in a post on Facebook, followed by Sumaria News, that the ministries that constitute 80% of the value of salaries are: the Ministry of Interior 14 trillion dinars annually, the Ministry of Education 10 trillion dinars annually, the Ministry of Defense 8 trillion dinars annually, the Council of Ministers and all the bodies under it 6 trillion dinars annually, in addition to the Ministry of Health 5.6 trillion dinars annually, and higher education 2.6 trillion dinars annually, in addition to the Council of Representatives 500 billion dinars annually.

He added that most ministries witnessed annual growth in their salaries during 2024 and 2023, noting that some ministries, such as electricity, oil, industry and communications, have mostly self-financed directorates, so their salary schedules do not appear in the government’s operating expenses. link

Source: Dinar Recaps


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Fri. AM TNT News Articles from Iraq 8-9-24 (2025)
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